Journal of Information Science and Technology (JIST) is committed to maintaining the highest level ethical standards in academic publication. Therefore, all parties involved must strictly follow the principles and standards of ethics in publication.


Journal editor

  1. The editor is responsible for considering and examining every submitted manuscript, by considering the content of manuscripts that are consistent with the aim and scope of the journal which include the examination of peer review process and quality of articles before the final publication.
  2. The editor is responsible for checking manuscripts in redundancy or in plagiarism by using Anti-Plagiarism Software. If the editor finds duplication or plagiarism of others in the article evaluation process, the editor must stop the evaluation process. And contact the corresponding author immediately for clarification to support, accept or reject the publication of the manuscripts.
  3. The editor must consider manuscripts with academic principles without bias in race, gender, religious beliefs, cultural, political and institute of authors and the manuscripts.
  4. The editor must not have any conflict-of-interest with any of the author(s) or reviewer(s). Must not seek business benefits from the article(s) and not used as an academic work of their own.
  5. The editor must not modify or change the content of manuscripts or the assessment results of the reviewer(s). Including not obstructive or interfering with the information exchanged between the reviewer(s) and the author(s).
  6. The editor must strictly follow the procedures and processes of the journal.
  7. The editor must maintain the standards of the journal. Including the development of quality journals that are always up-to-date.



  1. The author(s) should ensure the submitted manuscripts to be original contributions not previously published in any academic proceedings, books, or journal elsewhere. Submission of manuscripts to more than one academic sources is unethical and unacceptable.
  2. Academic plagiarism is prohibited. In cause the author(s) have used the work and/or words of others, respective sources should be appropriately cited or quoted.


  1. All financial support for the manuscripts should be disclosed in the acknowledgments and any conflicts of interest should be stated.
  2. In case of the manuscript is related to animals, volunteers or human participants, data collection operations must obtain consent or permitted from the simple at all time. The author(s) should ensure the manuscripts were performed in compliance with relevant laws and under international standards of the protection of human subjects.
  3. The author’s name the appears in the article must be a participant in the actual work.
  4. The author(s) must consent to transfer the copyright to the journal before publication. In addition, the published paper must not be published elsewhere after being published in the journal.



  1. The review should be conducted objectively. The reviewer(s) must express their views clearly with supporting arguments and references as necessary.
  2. The reviewer(s) must not seek to benefit from peer review process for personal advantages.
  3. The reviewer(s) must realize that they have knowledge and understanding of the academic’s content truly.
  4. If the reviewer(s) found that the article misconduct associated with plagiarism, data fabrication and/or falsification, duplicate submission. The reviewer(s) acknowledge the editor immediately.
  5. Punctuality is important for the reviewer(s). The reviewer(s) must not disclose information of the article(s) to those not involved know.