Monitoring system for water level and soil moisture for rice fields with LoRa communication on a wireless sensor network

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Adi Wahyu Candra Kusuma
Heru Nurwarsito
Didik Suprayogo


The monitoring system for water level and soil moisture of wetland rice is an important issue for farmers to pay attention to if more than one field is being monitored. The problem is that farmers are still monitoring manually and without proper tools. These problems underlie this research to implement a monitoring system with the application of the concept of wireless sensor networks with LoRa communication. The implementation of LoRa communication because it has low power consumption so it is suitable for applications in open spaces and long communication range. The application of LoRa communication at sensor and gateway nodes so that it can send sensing data. The data will be forwarded to the data center and can be monitored via a web application. Because there are several fields being monitored, this study uses the concept of a wireless sensor network so that it reaches far away distances of monitored rice fields. The results of the first system evaluation are that the system can measure the water level and soil moisture well. Second, it can send sensor data from the sensor node to the client. Finally, the communication performance of LoRa is the successful rate found in packet delivery, which is a total average of 92.72% or good category. Packet loss with an average total of 7.28% or good category. RSSI signal (Received Signal Strength Indicator) with a total average of -95.95 dBm. The system has good packet delivery success, small delivery failures, and good delivery signal strength.

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How to Cite
Kusuma, A. W. C., Nurwarsito, H. ., & Suprayogo, D. . (2021). Monitoring system for water level and soil moisture for rice fields with LoRa communication on a wireless sensor network. Journal of Science and Agricultural Technology, 2(1), 28–37.
Research Article


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