Sustainable packaging review: Recent materials and technology of smart biodegradable packaging

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Muhammad Yusuf Rachmadianto
Bella Eka Syahputri
Sucipto Sucipto


Plastic is widely used as product packaging. The time-consuming degradation of old plastics leads to an increase in environmental pollution. Sustainable packaging has been recently developed to decrease the problem. Along with the need to identify product quality during storage and distribution, smart biodegradable packaging is developed. The packaging not only contains and protects the product but also provides information about the rapid change of product quality. This article reviews various smart biodegradable materials such as polymer, gelatin, chitosan, or starch materials and packaging production technologies such as extrusion, compression molding, and film casting technology. The latest innovations in smart packaging are labels that can sense and record changes in food products with unique signs on the packaging. This label can detect if there is a leak in the package; the indicator will show a change. The combination of materials according to utilize an abundance of natural resources of each country and affordable technology needs to be continuously developed to produce sustainable packaging that can be produced in many countries.

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How to Cite
Yusuf Rachmadianto, M., Eka Syahputri, B., & Sucipto, S. (2021). Sustainable packaging review: Recent materials and technology of smart biodegradable packaging. Journal of Science and Agricultural Technology, 2(2), 6–15.
Review Articles
Author Biography

Sucipto Sucipto, Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Brawijaya University

1) Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Brawijaya University, Malang, 65145, Indonesia

2) Halal Qualified Industry Development (Hal-Q ID), Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Brawijaya University, Malang, 65145, Indonesia



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