About the Journal

General Information

Ramkhamhaeng International Journal of Science and Technology (RIST) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal, published three time per a year in January, May and September by the Faculty of Science, Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand. The journal publishes the research papers, academic articles, and short communications in the field of pure science, applied science, and technology.

Focus and Scope

The focus and scope of RIST covers all applications of science and technology.  The journal aims to establish a platform for researchers, academicians and students to share and communicate their knowledge in the form of high quality and novelty of academic paper covering all aspects of “Science and Technology” with high significant impact on national and global.  The scope of the journal includes the following areas of research marine science, biology, chemistry, physics, zoology, medical studies, environmental sciences, mathematics, statistics, geology, engineering, computer science, technological sciences, industrial, and all other applied and theoretical sciences.

Peer Review Process

RIST is a fully (double-blinded) peer-reviewed publication and has a plagiarism policy. Manuscripts have to prepare in electronic form and upload via online submission process. You are required to submit, with the manuscript, the names, email and addresses of 2-3 potential referees that can give an independent review. To evaluate and judge the submission, at least 2 reviewers, that are experts in the same subject area and do not from those in the same institution, are assigned in reviewing a manuscript with typical time taken by 15-30 days to conduct the reviews. When the reviews are completed, the editor reviews the manuscript and reviewer comments and makes a recommendation to the author. The accepted papers have to be passed the criteria evaluation average scores from there viewers. Authors must revise their papers within 30 days of the request; otherwise the contribution will be considered withdrawn. Manuscripts may be accepted or rejected, with or without an invitation for the author to resubmit the manuscript.


Manuscripts have to write and publish in English only. Authors whose native language is not English may wish to collaborate with a colleague whose English skills are more advanced

Publication Frequency

 3 issues per a year (January-April, May-August, September-December)

Supporting Information in the compiled submission

The detail of an article before sending it to the journal for review must have an author who has been designated as the correspondence with full contact details such as e-mail address and affiliation name. The manuscript has been 'grammar-checked'. References have to be in the correct format as per the author detail. Permission of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet) has been obtained for use. The RIST journal has standards concerning plagiarism and article duplication. The required overall similarity percentage for this under the ThaiJo system of the Thai Journal Citation Index (TCI) system is less than 10%.