Recovery of corals in Mu Ko Ang Thong, the Western Gulf of Thailand


  • Wanlaya Klinthong Ramkhamhaeng University


juvenile coral, recovery, self-seeding, Gulf of Thailand


Coral recovery after bleaching events is influenced by coral larval supply, available substrate, settlement, and survival rate of juvenile corals. Larval connectivity among coral populations is a crucial aspect of understanding the recovery potential of coral reefs following natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Reef connectivity depends on oceanographic conditions and the sources of coral larval supply. There are varying degrees of self-seeding on coral reefs. This study investigated the coral recruitment patterns and relationships with adult coral communities at six study sites in Mu Ko Ang Thong, Surat Thani Province, the Western Gulf of Thailand. Live coral covers were in a range of 35.4-40.5 %, while dead coral covers were in a range of 35.0-50.8 %. Live coral cover at Ko Hindap was significantly higher than that of other reef sites. The highest density of juvenile corals was found at Ko Sam Sao (N), while the lowest was recorded at Ko Hindap. The brooding coral Pocillopora spp. at all study sites showed self-seeding.  Most broadcast spawning corals showed low degrees of coral self-seeding at the study sites. Juveniles of Pseudosiderastrea tayamai and Fungia sp. were observed without their adult corals. This study reveals the low diversity of juvenile corals at Mu Ko Ang Thong and requires proper management strategies to prevent local extinction of certain coral species. 


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