The Potential of Single-Cell Oils Derived from Marine Fungus (Aspergillus pseudofelis MMERU 25) as Alternative Feedstock Sources for Biodiesel Production
Aspergillus pseudofelis, Biodiesel, Feedstock, Marine fungi, Single-cell oilsAbstract
The potential of single-cell oils derived from marine fungi can serve as a feedstock for biodiesel production. However, different marine fungal species exhibit distinct capabilities for high lipid production under varying conditions, resulting in variations in biodiesel characteristics. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate culture media conditions, the optimal duration for lipid production, and the biodiesel characteristics of Aspergillus pseudofelis MMERU 25. Cultivation was conducted using 70% MEB for 20 days and molasses (2.5, 5.0, 10.0, and 10.5 ml) mixed with 70% MEB for 15 days. Biodiesel characteristics, including chemical profiles, viscosity, acidity, methyl esters and linolenic acid content, H.H.V, and iodine value were also analyzed. The results indicate that A. pseudofelis MMERU 25 achieves the highest lipid production within 10 days in 70% MEB and reaches the maximum lipid yield at a 2.5 ml concentration of molasses in 70% MEB within 15 days. When A. pseudofelis MMERU 25 is cultured in 70% MEB for 10 days, the biodiesel quantity reaches 360 ml/kg of dry biomass. The biodiesel characteristics are consistent with previous research and the standards of biodiesel qualities by the DOEB, except for acidity, methyl esters content, and H.H.V. These parameters can be controlled to eliminate residual acids in biodiesel and adjust reaction conditions to enhance its suitability for use as a biodiesel feedstock. Therefore, biodiesel produced from marine fungi has the potential to be an alternative energy source for Thailand in the future.
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