Macroinfauna communities from coral reefs and an underwater pinnacle in Trat and Rayong Provinces, the Eastern Gulf of Thailand
coral reef, diversity, macroinfauna, Eastern Gulf of Thailand, underwater pinnacleAbstract
Macroinfauna plays an important role in food webs in the benthic communities and a good bioindicator for assessing biodiversity status. Coral reefs and underwater pinnacles in tropical countries provide important marine habitats. However, macroinfauna research in these ecosystems is still limited. This study aimed to investigate the composition and abundance of macroinfauna in coral reefs and an underwater pinnacle in Trat and Rayong Province, the Eastern Gulf of Thailand. The sediment samples were collected by a new modified grab. The dominant groups of macroinfauna were Bivalvia, Amphipoda, and Polychaeta. The most abundant macroinfauna was recorded in Rhinoclavis sordidula (848.15 individuals/cm2), followed by Capitella sp. (166.67 individuals/cm2). Sabellidae, Sigalionidae, and Syllidae were present in underwater pinnacles while Capitella sp. was specifically associated with coral reef habitats. A cluster dendrogram from Bray-Curtis Similarity provided similarity of macroinfauna community among the study sites, showing three groups: Group 1: Ko Raet and Ko Pee, Trat Province, having high live coral cover; Group 2: Hin Phloeng an underwater pinnacle in Rayong Province; and Group 3: Ko Saket and Ko Man Nok, Rayong Province and Ko Maisi, Trat Province, having high dead coral cover. These study shows the importance of macroinfauna in coral reefs and underwater pinnacles. Our findings imply high potential of macroinfauna for predicting global changes, being a juvenile aquaculture feed in the aquaculture business, and providing a source of bioactive substances for medical and cosmetic purposes.
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