Effect of Volume Change on Shear Strength of Unsaturated Soil

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วิษณุพงศ์ พ่อลิละ
สันติ ไทยยืนวงษ์
สำเนียง องสุพันธ์กุล
รณกร เทพวงษ์


This research aim study the shear strength behavior of unsaturated soil due to changes in void ratio. The study area in this research was Mae Poon district study area, Laplae district, Uttaradit province. In the experiment, soil suction due to moisture changes was measured by electronic tensiometer. The experiment was carried out by increasing the moisture content in the soil to the maximum expansion and allow the water drain from the sample to determine the relationship between moisture, soil suction and void ratio. Including testing for soil shear strength at different void ratios. From the result, found that when the moisture content of the soil decreases, soil suction increased and void ratio decreased. On the other hand, when the soil gets more moisture content, the soil suction decreased and void ratio is increased. From the result of direct shear test with various void ratios, the soil samples with high void ratio and shear strength decreased.

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พ่อลิละ ว. ., ไทยยืนวงษ์ ส. ., องสุพันธ์กุล ส. ., & เทพวงษ์ ร. . (2019). Effect of Volume Change on Shear Strength of Unsaturated Soil. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 1(3), 22–32. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RJST/article/view/241599
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