Semi-automatic electric grinders for use in cutting tiles

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Suriyawut Seesodsai
Aunnop Rumnum
Pisitipong Taweepong
Waranyu Laochot


Handling with bare hands when cutting tiles is a risk that the electric grinder may be shaken or flung to cause danger to the operator. Including chipping caused by rotating the grinder. Study and development of a device for holding grinders, semi-automatic, for cutting tiles. The purpose is to create a prototype device to hold the electric grinder for cutting tiles. By studying the efficiency, quality, results and satisfaction of It can hold the 4 inch and 7-inch grinding wheels, which can support the cutting of tiles 20 x 20 centimeter to 60 x 60 centimeter. Jigs Able to cut 2 tiles per 1 time, takes 1.24 minutes compared to Cutting the tiles by hand, using the time to cut 2 sheets, takes 3.25 minutes. The results are different 1.56 minutes. The study conducted a questionnaire. In which there were 5 respondents, of which the respondents were related to the construction field the results of the questionnaire, 80% of users are satisfied with the use of gripping tools, semi-automatic electric grinder to cut tiles. Which is in a very good level and jigs for cutting tiles to increase construction work and reduce the cost of cutting tiles compared to the work of people by comparing the working hours, the grinders, the electric grinder for cutting tiles used to be cheaper than the average price of 2.165 baht per piece per cut per sheet in an hour.

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How to Cite
Seesodsai, S. ., Rumnum , A. ., Taweepong , P. ., & Laochot, W. . (2020). Semi-automatic electric grinders for use in cutting tiles. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 2(1), 1–13. retrieved from
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