Factors Affecting the Decision to Buy or Rent a Mobile Crane of Housing Estate

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Gitsaya Wichienpanya
Namo Tangseenoun
Thanapong Waleesakchainan
Chackaphong Chaiyanupattakul


The information gathered in this research was taken from companies and locations that the organizers conducted in cooperative education. By the beginning with Raw Data and analyzed for inference using the quantitative analysis tools which consist of: 1.) Net Present Value (NPV) is display in the form of Cash Flow Diagram. 2.) Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 3.) Payback Period Method (PB), analyze percentage data and summarize the results from qualitative data. And make a proposal in the form of a branch of Decision tree which can clearly show the relationship of data.

The finding of this research found that from studying by using the data obtained form Raw Data with Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return and Payback Period Method in the period of 24 months or 2 years of the project. It is divided into 5 cases of research. The result found that, mobile crane rental is the most cost-effective. With the average value from mobile crane rental being the most cost effective at 20%. If demand to invest in mobile crane, in the case of the best value is the second hand installment payment, 1st hand installment payment, buy with second hand cash and buy with first hand cash respectively. From the analysis on 3 housing estate The most worthwhile investment project in the following order: 1.) The project 2 in the case of rent 5,839,427.36 baht. 2.) The project 3 in the case of rent 2,451,752.80 baht. 3.) The project 1 in the case of rent 2,156,433.36 baht.

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How to Cite
Wichienpanya, G., Tangseenoun, N. ., Waleesakchainan, T. ., & Chaiyanupattakul, C. . (2020). Factors Affecting the Decision to Buy or Rent a Mobile Crane of Housing Estate. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 2(1), 26–47. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RJST/article/view/243385
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