The Applied Cost Code Under The Engineering Institute of Thailand Under H.M. The King’s Patronage Via Building Information Modeling ProgramCase study : Condominium Construction

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นฤราช หล่อนภาชัยสกุล
ศรันยู พรมศร


This project focuses on the study and standardization of construction cost codes for high-rise buildings, including the application of construction cost codes, classifying workloads from the 3D program, and analyzing the results. By separating various work categories Then remove the workload With structural work calculating work volume in volume As for the architecture, the amount of work is calculated as area And divide the work into all 3 work categories which are pole work, wall work, flooring work And summarize the results into a total of 3 periods           The study found that The application of the construction cost code of the Engineering Institute of Thailand under the royal patronage is necessary to have a code to run. The group has applied the construction cost code to the 30-storey condo building in order to categorize with the construction cost of the Engineering Institute of Thailand under the royal patronage to be the same standard and take the amount of work removed from the 2D program. To compare with the workload that the program calculates in 3D In which, the results obtained from the comparison between 2D programs and 3D programs, the values ​​obtained from removing 3D workloads are different from 2D programs, calculated from all work categories ± no more than 4 units from removal. Workload Which is no different from removing workloads from 2D programs and in 3D programs that are easy to work with Because writing in one time can be both the workload in 3 dimensions and 2 dimensional by writing once

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How to Cite
หล่อนภาชัยสกุล น. ., & พรมศร ศ. . (2020). The Applied Cost Code Under The Engineering Institute of Thailand Under H.M. The King’s Patronage Via Building Information Modeling ProgramCase study : Condominium Construction . Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 2(2), 15–30. retrieved from
Research Articles


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