Study of Cause Affecting to Laminate in Construction Works

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อัฑฒ์ แก่นเพ็ชร
ธงไขย จิตรหัสต์ชัย
วรัญญู เหลาโชติ


This article aims at studying the causes of problems affecting laminate flooring in condominium construction projects, helping to find the number of problems that occur. Reasons that may cause laminate flooring problems after installation Solutions By focusing on studying the problems occurring within the construction project Problems that arise when installing laminate flooring Which studied from primary and secondary data, namely work observation Record the defects found on the data collection form. Report the problems of the supervisor And interviews To make a Pareto chart Fishbone chart Control chart To rank the problem, ascertain the cause of the problem Solution And ways to prevent problems

The result of the study of defects occurring before installing laminate flooring The problems encountered are concrete floor problems. The cause is due to the technician lacking skills in their work. Unsuitable tools Solving problems Add techniques before pouring to adjust the floor. Closely control work And procure equipment suitable for work

The result of the study of defects occurring after installing laminate flooring Found various problems of laminate flooring such as ridge laminate, distant laminate, collapsible laminate and chipped laminate The cause is due to the lack of skilled technicians. Environment that is not ready to be installed Method that does not follow the steps Unsuitable tools. The problem will be solved by cleaning the paint store, as well as the dismantling of all new installations.

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How to Cite
แก่นเพ็ชร อ., จิตรหัสต์ชัย ธ., & เหลาโชติ ว. (2020). Study of Cause Affecting to Laminate in Construction Works. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 2(2), 31–42. retrieved from
Research Articles


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