Behavior analysis affecting purchasing coconut oil products, in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province using data

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รุจิโรจน์ ฮิโรเซะ
เพียงฤทัย หนูสวัสดิ์
กรรณิกา บุญเกษม
นพดล สายคติกรณ์


This research is the application of data mining techniques. For the purpose 1). Study and analyze factors affecting the purchasing behavior of coconut oil products in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province.        2). Create a model to predict the opportunity to buy coconut oil products in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. Using the decision tree technique. 3). Establish relationship rules to analyze customers' product purchase demand. Using the technique of providing relationship rules Information used in the research Is the purchasing behavior of coconut oil products from a survey of 600 sets of customers in Prachuap Khiri Khan province. Through the process of modeling using Rapid miner studio program.

    The research results were found that Factors affecting Lou's shopping behavior the top 3 traders were the price, education level and income of the model to predict the opportunity to buy coconut oil products in Prachuap Khiri Khan province. Using the decision tree technique Through the Cross Validation data segmentation method, the highest accuracy was 69.50%. And the results of checking customer demand for products showed that the products that customers have the highest purchase demand are oil pipes with Support = 31.2% and the products that customers tend to buy the most at the same time are coconut oil and oil. Coconut from support = 2.7% and confidence 64%.

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How to Cite
ฮิโรเซะ ร., หนูสวัสดิ์ เ., บุญเกษม ก., & สายคติกรณ์ น. (2021). Behavior analysis affecting purchasing coconut oil products, in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province using data . Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 2(3), 26–46. retrieved from
Research Articles


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