The Development of Application for Hearty to The Elderly

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ชัชวาลย์ วงค์ชัย
วิจิตรา มนตรี


Application for Hearty to the Elderly developed to respond to aging society. It is a channel for peoples or units in the community to take part in caring and helping the elderly. The results consist of 3 parts: 1) mobile applications works on smartphones using Android. It is a channel for the elderly to need help in an emergency. It will alert and send coordinate to helpers in radius. Helpers can accept or cancel assistance. It also gives knowledge News release And announcing sales of goods for the elderly 2) Web site for setting up a requesting radius Period of cancellation of assistance and confirmation of access to the elderly and 3) the efficiency of then application rated by the experts were high level.

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How to Cite
วงค์ชัย ช., & มนตรี ว. (2021). The Development of Application for Hearty to The Elderly. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 2(3), 47–60. retrieved from
Research Articles


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