The Development of Infographic on Sugarcane Burning, Nam Lob Lan Sak Uthai Thani Province
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The objective of this research is 1) To develop and find the quality of infographic media on Sugarcane Burning. 2) To measure perception of infographic media on Sugarcane Burning. The sample group was 169 sugar cane farmers in Nam Lob Sub-district, Lan Sak District, Uthai Thani Province. The sample was selected by simple sampling. The results of the study showed that the quality of the infographic media about sugarcane burning was good, the total mean was 4.22 and The perception of the use of infographic media was at the highest level, the total mean was 4.69. In conclusion, the development of infographic media about sugarcane burning. Able to educate people who actually view the media.
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