The Website of Landmark Tourist Surin Province

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ซรัยเมาว์ ชาน
ศุภวัฒน์ บุญปก
วินิต ยืนยิ่ง
จันทร์ดารา สุขสาม


This study aims to develop and assess the Website of Landmark Tourist Surin. The Landmark Tourist Surin development used the concept of the system development lifecycle, used PHP programming language and MySQL in database storage. The sample was 35 students majoring in computer information system and three experts. The research instrument used in collecting the data was the satisfaction questionnaire. The data were analyzed using basic statistics analysis: mean and percentage. It was found that users were satisfied with Landmark Tourist Surin in overall at 4.67 which meant very good, satisfied with design and requirements at 4.65 which meant very good, in content at 4.67 which meant very good, in function at 4.54 which meant very good, in safety at 4.74 which meant very good, in benefits of using at 4.74 This research can be applied to Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Surin Campus or other departments.

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How to Cite
ชาน ซ., บุญปก ศ. ., ยืนยิ่ง ว. ., & สุขสาม จ. . (2021). The Website of Landmark Tourist Surin Province. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 2(3), 154–166. retrieved from
Research Articles


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