Small Hydraulic Ram Pump

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สุธรรม โรจนเมฆา
พิทยา สุขจินดา
สันติ ไทยยืนวงษ์
รณกร เทพวงษ์


The objective of this research aim study the principle of impulse pump by designing a small scale of hydraulic ram pump for demonstration. This equipment uses the principle of water hammer to generate pressure to send water up the pipe to the water tank. In the experiment, efficiency of hydraulic ram pump was measured to demonstrate who are interested in studying and experimenting with the principle of impulse pump.

From the study, it was found that the efficiency of hydraulic ram pump demonstration was inversely proportional to the height of the water up the pipeline to the water tank. This equipment can deliver water with an average flow rate of 936 liters per day at 2 meters water height from the water source level of 1.5 meters. The highest achievable water pumping demonstration was 50.32% using a 1.5" diameter compressed air tank.

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How to Cite
โรจนเมฆา ส., สุขจินดา พ., ไทยยืนวงษ์ ส., & เทพวงษ์ ร. (2021). Small Hydraulic Ram Pump . Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 3(1), 49–57. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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