Physical Board Stand

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ชุติพล มหาวีระ
กอบกุล นงนุช
พิมพ์นิภา รัตนจันทร์


This research presents the Physical Board Stand for control the board can adjust degree of 0-50º, body weight using by load cell sensor, measuring the heart rate by pulse sensor and measuring the muscle tension using by the EMG sensor, Arduino program to control. The results of the experiment found that the mean electrical wave measured will not have a significant difference (P<0.05) And from the time spent in testing, found that When the test duration was increased on 7 days, the level of measurement was not different from the test period on day 1 and 2. The heart rate after using the Physical Board Stand, found that the heart rate of Increased, both of application on smartphone and pulse sensor.

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How to Cite
มหาวีระ ช., นงนุช ก., & รัตนจันทร์ พ. (2021). Physical Board Stand. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 3(2), 1–8. retrieved from
Research Articles


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