Shear Load Efficiency of a Lightweight Block Concrete Wall

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เจษฎาพงษ์ ประสาท
พิทวัส คำแหลง
ศุภัชรี โกสูงเนิน
เจษฎาพร ศรีภักดี
สุนิตา นุเสน
บุปผเวช พันธุ์ศรี


The purpose of this research is to study the shear load capacity of lightweight block concrete walls both before and after strengthening. The study comprises of the determination of characteristic properties of lightweight blocks and the experimental shear load test of wall samples. The characteristic properties of the lightweight blocks are tested in accordance with TIS 2601-2556. The average unit weight is 1,401-1,406 kg/m3. The water absorption was less than 20 %. The average compressive strength were more than 51 ksc as well. The 1.20 m x 1.20 m lightweight block concrete walls are tested in accordance with ASTM E519-02. These samples are classified into three groups as follows. First is non-glossed cement. The second is glossed-cement in two sides. The last is glossed-cement and wrapped with wire mesh in 1/2 inch both two sides. The average maximum shearing strength of these three groups were 4.18 ksc, 6.17 ksc and 11.75 ksc, respectively. The third group have the greater strength than the second group and the first group in 1.5 and in 3 times.

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ประสาท เ., คำแหลง พ. ., โกสูงเนิน ศ. ., ศรีภักดี เ., นุเสน ส., & พันธุ์ศรี บ. (2021). Shear Load Efficiency of a Lightweight Block Concrete Wall. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 3(2), 28–35. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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