Antifungal activity of Plant Extracts against Colletotrichum capsici Causal Agent of Chili Anthracnose

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Sukee Sukdee


Anthracnose disease was destruction on chili the worldwide. The fungi of the Colletotrichum genus are the pathogens as causal of chili anthracnose disease. This study was searching for to efficiency of plant extracts were antifungal properties against C. capsici. The antifungal activities of five plants are as follows; Aegle marmelos L. Correa., Eupatorium odoratum L., Phyllanthus acidus L. Skeels, Houttuynia cordata Thunb., and Clausena excavata, were evaluated on the plant pathogenic. The plant extracts assay was carried out in vitro at 5, 10, and 20 mg/ml concentrations using the disk diffusion technique. The efficacies of plant extracts were against mycelia growth of C. capsici, their effect significantly for fungi toxicity. The crude extracts of E. odoratum L. indicated the highest effectiveness against (>90%) fungicide. The antifungal activities have a high inhibition percent (>85%), such as hexane extracts of E. odoratum L., and A. marmelos L.; including ethyl acetate extracts of C. excavate and methanol extract of E. odoratum. Furthermore, strong exhibited antifungal percent (>70%) as hexane extracts of H.cordata, P. acidus L., and ethyl acetate extract of A. marmelos L. The phytochemicals in the plant extracts were identified to be alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, steroids, and terpenoids. The bioactive plant extracts were against mycelia growth of C. capsici; they could be a source for future development of natural product fungicides.

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How to Cite
Sukdee, S. (2023). Antifungal activity of Plant Extracts against Colletotrichum capsici Causal Agent of Chili Anthracnose. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 5(1), 1–8. retrieved from
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