Alert System to Prevent Water Problems in the House via LINE Application

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Ekkarin Wijitphan
ภานุมาศ โจพิงค์
ณัฐวัตร พ่อค้า
นภารัตน์ ชูไพร


The Alert System to Prevent Water Problems in the House. The idea was to use Arduino's capabilities to develop an alert system and prevent problems with water in the house, running out of water storage tanks without knowing in advance Forgetting to turn off the water after turning it on or a water leak that may be caused by a broken water pipe in the house Using non-contact liquid level water level sensors to measure water levels and alerts the water in the tank is almost empty when the water level drops to the specified position and alerts the water level in the tank that has risen to the specified position through the application and use a Hall sensor to measure the water flow rate (Water Flow Sensor Flowmeter Hall) to alert the water flow in the house, making it known that there is a water leak or forget to turn off the water and can also set the automatic shutdown of the water pump when there is a water leak through the application when no one is home. The objectives of this research were 1) to develop the Alert System to Prevent Water Problems in the House via LINE Application, 2) to assess the user's satisfaction with the Alert System to Prevent Water Problems in the House, and 3) to find the effectiveness of the Alert System to Prevent Water Problems in the House. The sample was 30 people in the general public who used the Alert System to Prevent Water Problems in the House by specific. The instruments of the Alert System to Prevent Water Problems in the House. A performance assessment form and a satisfaction assessment form. The Alert System to Prevent Water Problems in the House has been developed to effectively alert the system via the Line application correctly every time (100%) and users are satisfied with the system at a high level, the mean was 4.64 and the standard deviation was 0.42.

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How to Cite
Wijitphan, E., โจพิงค์ ภ. ., พ่อค้า ณ. ., & ชูไพร น. . (2023). Alert System to Prevent Water Problems in the House via LINE Application . Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 5(1), 82–93. retrieved from
Research Articles


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