Soil Shrinkage and Swell Behavior due to Change in Soil Moisture

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Chanayut Manraksa
Sukrit Saengduangdao
Santi Thaiyuenwong


This research is to study the behavior of changes in soil moisture which relate to landslides in hillside slopes. The purpose of this study is to study the behavior of soil shrinkage and expansion due to changes in soil moisture. The soil sample used was large to reduce the influence of lateral forces. In the test, the reduction and increase humidity and checking the changing humidity and water absorption force Dehumidification methods are carried out in two methods, one is oven drying and another is leave it at room temperature.

The results of the study showed that when the moisture in the soil decreased, soil shrinks rapidly until to 20% moisture content, after that the shrinkage rate slows down. During this process, cracks appear on the sample. When adding moisture, the soil was swell and cracks disappear. When considering the water suction force in the soil, it was found that the suction force is related to the moisture content in the soil. At high moisture content, the soil suction is less than at lower moisture content. However, because measuring the sample volume change did not measure crack size, the void ratio calculations were higher.

In addition, the formation of cracks may reduce the soil suction as cracked soils tend to contract more easily as they are not bound by the surrounding soil mass

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How to Cite
Manraksa, C., Saengduangdao, S. ., & Thaiyuenwong, S. (2023). Soil Shrinkage and Swell Behavior due to Change in Soil Moisture. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 5(3), 80–92. retrieved from
Research Articles


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