Design of Brake Pad Lining Tool for Heavy Truck Using Quality Function Deployment

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Sakon Makchay
Montalee Sasananan


The purpose of this study was to apply quality function deployment (QFD) in the design of a large truck brake lining assisting device. The research began by gathering the needs of customers who were service workers of a sample company using questionnaires and interviews. The data revealed the importance of each customer need and the level of customer satisfaction on the existing method, which were subsequently fed into the four-phase QFD. The results of analysis would guide the design of prototype which was supposed to meet the needs of customer groups in terms of ease of operation, part strength, maintenance procedures, compressive strength, speed of operation, and emergency protection capabilities.

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How to Cite
Makchay, S., & Sasananan, M. (2023). Design of Brake Pad Lining Tool for Heavy Truck Using Quality Function Deployment . Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 5(3), 49–57. retrieved from
Research Articles


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