The effect of natural fibers and para rubber latex on adobe bricks

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Sutham Rotchanameka
Attapole Malai
Prachoom Khamput


The aim of this study was to enhance the strength and water resistance of adobe bricks through the combination of natural fibers and para rubber latex. The initial mixing ratio of the ingredients consisted of clay: rice husk: sand in proportions of 6: 0.72: 2 by weight. Para rubber latex is mixed with 10% of the weight of the soil in mixtures containing latex. Natural fibers such as rice husk or coconut fibers replace rice husk at a rate of 4.5% of the soil weight. The materials were compressed into wooden molds measuring 10 cm in width, 35 cm in length, and 17.5 cm in height. This study aimed to simulate real conditions in curing bricks under the sun for 21 and 28 days without using plastic wrapping. The bricks were subjected to tests for compressive strength, flexural strength, and erosion at 21 and 28 days of curing. The results of the tests showed that the addition of para rubber latex or various types of natural fibers to the adobe bricks enhanced their properties.

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How to Cite
Rotchanameka, S. ., Malai, A., & Khamput, P. . (2024). The effect of natural fibers and para rubber latex on adobe bricks. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 6(2), 99–109. retrieved from
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