Comparison of Bullet Hole between Standard Pickup Truck Tailgate and Modified Tailgate after Firing at Different Distances
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Tool mark examination on objects is one of the evidence collection methods in forensic science. Bullet tool mark information can be used for investigation and comparison study that link to the incident. The objective of this research is to study the pattern and differences resulting from the collision between the tailgate of a pickup truck and a bullet. The experimental research was performed by gun shooting using to the metal sheet produced as the tailgate of the pickup truck as simulated shooting events at different ranges with Glock CZ automatic pistol and 9 mm bullets, Lead Round Nose (LRN) and Jacket Hollow Point (JHP) types. Tool marks observed at the shooting distances of 3, 5, and 7 meters from standard pickup truck tailgate from the manufacturer were compared to the modified tailgate. From the results, it was found that the shape and structure of the entrance and exit holes were different under the shooting angle at 90 degrees. The entrance hole of the projectile is circular with smooth edges. In the other hand, the exit hole of the bullet is circular in shape with irregular edges and some of the surface was shown to be swollen and torn. From the statistical analysis, it was found that shooting distance did not affect the width and length of both entrance and exit holes. However, the type of bullet was found to affect the size of entrance and exit holes. Overall, observed tool marks from the shooting were significantly different. This is useful for the measurement of incident tool marks and can be applied as a database to support the gunshot tool mark analysis on surfaces in forensic examination.
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