Heavy metals contamination in the sediments of cockle culture area and Tha Thong estuary, Bandon Bay, Surat Thani province


  • วัชรี รวยรื่น


heavy metal contamination, sediment, contamination index, cockle culture area, Ban don bay


The objectives of this research aim to determine and evaluate the contamination level of heavy metals including zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in the sediments collected from cockle culture and non-culture areas at Tha Tong estuary, Surat Thani province. Surface sediment samples were collected with Ekman Grab from 3 stations in August, 2020. The concentration of heavy metals were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) technique. The assessment contamination of heavy metal in the environment was assessed using four indicators, which include Geo-accumulation index (Igeo), Contamination factor (CF), Sediment Pollution Index (SPI), and Pollution load index (PLI). Results showed that the concentrations of Zn and Cu were in a range of non-detectable (ND) to 6.28 µg/g and 0.00 to 20.81 µg/g, respectively. These concentration levels of Zn and Cu from all three stations were not exceeding the coastal sediment quality criteria, which was issued by Pollution Control Department of Thailand.  Pb reported as ND for every stations. Whereas, the concentration of Cd (0.00 to 23.83 µg/g) was over than the standard criteria. The risk analysis of Igeo indicated that the heavy metal Zn was in a range of un-contamination to moderately level contamination in the sediment. While, the Igeo values of Cu and Cd showed moderately level to high contaminated in the sediment. The highest estimations of SPI was found in the cockle culture area. The PLI values of metals in the cockle culture sediments were more contaminated than Tha Thong estuary (PLI>1), which the values was in the range indicating the degradation of the coastal ecosystem.


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How to Cite

รวยรื่น ว. . (2021). Heavy metals contamination in the sediments of cockle culture area and Tha Thong estuary, Bandon Bay, Surat Thani province. Journal of Science and Technology Songkhla Rajabhat University, 1(2), 41–57. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/SciAndTechSkru/article/view/244000



Research Article