Analysis of Traffic Flow at a Red Light Intersection using Computer Simulation technique


  • Kasin Ransikarbum Engineering Department, Ubonratchathani University


Flow analysis, Traffic management, Traffic-light intersection, Ubonratchathani University


Due to an increasing use of vehicles in major cities in Thailand and around the world, traffic congestion problems are increasing. In particular, traffic at the intersection nearby the urban community and educational institutions is congested by a number of commuters and passengers during the peak time, which causes the problem with flow management. Proper management and analysis of red lights at the intersection also affects the flow of vehicles. In this research, we aim to evaluate traffic problems at the intersection using the agent-based simulation software called AnyLogic. The case study is conducted at the main entrance in front of Ubonratchathani University. Initially, data are collected and then the designed experiments are conducted to test various hypothesized scenarios that affect traffic congestion and to find the best condition for time spent in the system. In particular, two designed experiments are conducted as follows: 1) the experiment to assess the best condition of the traffic light setting, in which the timing of traffic light in each direction is varied for each traffic direction; and 2) the experiment to test how reduced traffic lanes affect the travel time for commuters in the system. The analyzed results show that the best condition for setting up the traffic light is to use 40 seconds for the main roads and 20 seconds for the rest. In addition, reduced traffic lanes in the main roads can affect the time spent in the system up to around 14 %. It is expected that results from this study can be further applied and extended to other situations for effective traffic management.


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How to Cite

K. Ransikarbum, “Analysis of Traffic Flow at a Red Light Intersection using Computer Simulation technique”, TJOR, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1–14, Dec. 2020.



Research Paper (3 ผู้ประเมิน ตามเกณฑ์การขอตำแหน่งวิชาการ)