Topic Modeling and Text Classification for Xenophobia on Twitter during COVID-19


  • Budsabong Kachintararojn National Institute of Development Administration
  • Duanpen Teerawanviwat National Institute of Development Administration
  • Pachitjanut Siripanich National Institute of Development Administration


Topic modeling, LDA model, Word Embedding, TF-IDF, Word2vec, Text Classification


This research presents a topic modeling using the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and two classification algorithms, which are Random Forest and Support Vector Machine for Xenophobia on Twitter during COVID-19 with three methods of Word Embedding - TF-IDF, Word2vec and GloVe. The dataset contains Xenophobia on Twitter During COVID-19 around 1,000,000 tweets from Kaggle. This research aimed to build the topic model for Xenophobia on Twitter during COVID-19 and study suitable classification algorithms for Xenophobic or Non-Xenophobic and also provides a way for Twitter to filter out tweets that are potentially violent. The results of topic modeling was showed 3 unique important topics that given the lowest Perplexity of 114186.86 which are (1) Arrestment (2) Disgusting (3) Damnation. As the results of classification algorithms were showed that Random Forest when using TF-IDF given F1-Score, Recall and ROC were not different but Precision was the highest value of 0.35. Therefore, Random Forest when using TF-IDF was the most suitable algorithm for Xenophobic or Non-Xenophobic classify during COVID-19. In addition, Support Vector Machine when using Word2vec given the highest F1-Score and Precision value of 0.43 and 0.28, respectively. Therefore, Support Vector Machine when using Word2vec was the most suitable algorithm for Xenophobic or Non-Xenophobic classify during COVID-19.


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How to Cite

B. Kachintararojn, D. Teerawanviwat, and P. Siripanich, “Topic Modeling and Text Classification for Xenophobia on Twitter during COVID-19”, TJOR, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 31–44, May 2021.



Research Paper (3 ผู้ประเมิน ตามเกณฑ์การขอตำแหน่งวิชาการ)