Analysis of clusters among the Retirement Mutual Funds before and during the COVID-19 crisis period


  • Suda Tragantalerngsak silapakorn university
  • Sasiprapa Hiriote Statistics Department, Faculty of science, Silpakorn university
  • Tanai Boonfueang Statistics Department, Faculty of science, Silpakorn university
  • Jeeranun Akawannung Statistics Department, Faculty of science, Silpakorn university


Retirement Mutual Fund (RMF), Treynor Ratio, Multidimensional Scaling method (MDS)


The objectives of this paper are to investigate the clusters of the Retirement Mutual Fund (RMF), using  Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) method with their Treynor ratio measurements  and to compare the structure of those clusters before the COVID-19 crisis period (year 2017-2019) and during the COVID-19 crisis period (year 2020). The results illustrated that the map from MDS indicated the different clusters of RMF funds according to their investment policy.  Before the COVID-19 crisis period, the RMF funds are grouped into 3 clusters. The first cluster is the group of the RMF funds which mainly invest in thai capital market and government bond.  The second and the third consist of the feeder funds or the funds that invest in foreign capital market.  During the COVID-19 crisis period, the RMF funds are also able to group into 3 clusters. The first one is the group that invests in Thai capital market and government bond. The second and the third are the general feeder funds and the feeder funds that invest in healthcare sector in all of the world capital market, respectively.


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How to Cite

S. Tragantalerngsak, S. . Hiriote, T. . Boonfueang, and J. . Akawannung, “Analysis of clusters among the Retirement Mutual Funds before and during the COVID-19 crisis period”, TJOR, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 47–56, Aug. 2021.