A Two-Phase Heuristic for Solving Vehicle Routing Problem: a Case Study of Snack Wholesale in Kalasin Province
Fisher and Jaikumar algorithm, Vehicle routing problem, General Assignment Problem, Heuristic, Travelling Salesman ProblemAbstract
This paper is to present a heuristic for solving the capacitated vehicle routing problem. We apply a two-phase heuristic, Fisher and Jaikumar Algorithm (FJA), to solve for solutions with the objective of minimizing the total distance traveled. A variant FJA consists of three steps. The first step is to generate the seed vehicles. The second step is to formulate the General Assignment Problem (GAP) to allocate customers into each group. The Final step is to generate the transport route using Travelling Salesman Problem Model (TSP Model). The computational results showed that the proposed algorithm provided effective solutions. The total distance is decreased from 1,093.4 kilometers to 766.15 kilometers can be reduced to 29.93%.
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