An Integer Goal Programming Model for a Touring Route Planning under the Factors by Tourists


  • Thanyarat Booncherd Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University (Rangsit Center)
  • Nayada Karnthang Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University Rangsit Campus
  • Chomphunut Buarod Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University (Rangsit Center)
  • Aua-aree Boonperm Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University (Rangsit Center)


goal programming model, traveling salesman problem, route planning


Generally, a touring route planning can be solved by applying the traveling salesman problem (TSP). However, TSP considers the total number of locations regardless of time constraints, including the various factors of tourists, which can be considered only one factor at a time. Sometimes tourists may prioritize each factor differently. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an integer goal programming model to plan a comprehensive travel itinerary and meet the needs of tourists as much as possible by considering factors of cost, time, and satisfaction with the tourist attractions. In the proposed model, constraints to select locations are introduced to the traveling salesman model, and goal programming is applied to meet the requirement of tourists. The model results show that the proposed model can be used more efficiently in actual trip planning than manual routing or the use of the traveling salesman problem.


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How to Cite

T. . Booncherd, N. . Karnthang, C. . Buarod, and A.- aree Boonperm, “An Integer Goal Programming Model for a Touring Route Planning under the Factors by Tourists”, TJOR, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 153–165, Jun. 2022.



Research Paper (3 ผู้ประเมิน ตามเกณฑ์การขอตำแหน่งวิชาการ)