Comparative Study of Deep Transfer Learning Models and Data Augmentation Techniques for Real and AI-generated Portraits Classification


  • Pailin Manaohwan Faculty of Science at Sriracha, Kasetsart University Sriracha Campus
  • Sorachai Phetkhunthot Faculty of Science at Sriracha, Kasetsart University Sriracha Campus
  • Julalak Kaewwangsakoon Faculty of Science at Sriracha, Kasetsart University Sriracha Campus
  • Pongsan Prakitsri Assistant Professor in Faculty of Science at Sriracha, Kasetsart University Sriracha Campus


deep learning, convolution neural networks, transfer learning, fine tuning


Distinguishing between a human portrait and one generated by artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly difficult. As AI technology advances, making AI-generated portraits more similar to real people portraits, posing a significant challenge for classification systems. Portraits contain a vast amount of information regarding color, texture, lighting, and subtle details. Deep learning models, with their layered architecture, can effectively learn patterns and relationships within this data. This paper explores the power of transfer learning with CNNs and data augmentation to enhance accuracy for classifying real and AI-generated portraits. We leverage three pre-trained models (MobileNetV2, ResNet50, and EfficientNetV2S) on a dataset of 3,000 images (1,500 per class). The performance is evaluated with and without image augmentation, providing valuable insights into their combined effect. Our findings suggest that EfficientNetV2S without data augmentation achieved the highest accuracy of 94.67%. and 94.47% for F1-Score.


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How to Cite

P. . Manaohwan, S. . Phetkhunthot, J. . Kaewwangsakoon, and P. Prakitsri, “Comparative Study of Deep Transfer Learning Models and Data Augmentation Techniques for Real and AI-generated Portraits Classification”, TJOR, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 28–40, Dec. 2024.



Research Paper (3 ผู้ประเมิน ตามเกณฑ์การขอตำแหน่งวิชาการ)