Possibilistic Linear Programming for Aggregate Production Planning with Labor Replacement in a Parallel Machine Environment


  • Busaba Phruksaphanrat Industrial Statistics and Operational Research Unit (ISO-RU), Industrial Engineering Department ,Faculty of engineering, Thammasat University, Rangsit Campus


Possibilistic Linear Programming, Aggregate Production Planning, Labor Replacement, Parallel Machines, Fuzzy Programming, Imprecise Information


This work presents a Possibilistic Linear Programming (PLP) approach for solving a multi-product. Aggregate Production Planning (APP) problem with labor replacement in a parallel machine environment where forecasted demand, material cost, and equipment cost is imprecise. The proposed approach attempts to maximize the total profit. It uses the strategy of simultaneously maximizing the most possible, pessimistic, and optimistic values of the imprecise total profit. Labor replacement by equipment is considered in the model for capacity expansion and increasing system’s efficiency. The proposed model yields an efficient compromised solution, which is more preferable and contains more information than conventional approaches. It can also be easily manipulated to obtain the preferred plan according to a decision maker’s preference. A real industrial case is also demonstrated.




How to Cite

B. Phruksaphanrat, “Possibilistic Linear Programming for Aggregate Production Planning with Labor Replacement in a Parallel Machine Environment”, TJOR, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 22–36, Jun. 2014.



Research Paper (3 ผู้ประเมิน ตามเกณฑ์การขอตำแหน่งวิชาการ)