Quality Control Using Statistical Methods to Reduce Costs in Ceramics Industry Factory


  • Hussaya wongwan Faculty of Business Administration and Technology, Lampang Inter-Tech College
  • Chakkrapan Pornnimit Faculty of Business Administration and Technology, Lampang Inter-Tech College


Quality Control, Statistical Methods, Ceramics Industry


This research the objective is to find methods for quality control in the ceramics industry production process using an action research model. From the study problems were found in the production process. Broken and defective ceramic products occur at a high rate. Increasing production costs. The research therefore aims to study quality control methods in the production process of ceramic products. Based on the principles of quality control using statistical methods. To correct and improve the production process Reduce the amount of waste or defects. Tools used to collect data Including production data record inspection sheet and waste generated in the production process. Analyze data to determine the importance of problems with Pareto charts and use fishbone diagrams to analyze the cause of the problem. Create an improvement plan, experiment with using P-type control charts to control the rate of waste that occurs. The research results found that problems that occur within a factory are caused by factors such as people, machines, raw materials, methods, and the working environment. That causes various errors and is the cause of waste within the production process. Before improving the process, waste data that occurred in the production process was found in the amount of 3,928 pieces, accounting for 10.33 percent, with a process efficiency value of 90. When statistical quality control methods are used to improve processes it was found that waste from production was reduced to 1,910 pieces, accounting for 5.03 percent the process efficiency value was 95. From the results of improvement using statistical quality control principles. It shows that the ability of the process to produce work has increased and the waste rate from the production process has actually decreased.


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How to Cite

wongwan, H., & Pornnimit, C. . (2024). Quality Control Using Statistical Methods to Reduce Costs in Ceramics Industry Factory. Journal of Applied Statistics and Information Technology, 9(1), 24–41. Retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/asit-journal/article/view/253171