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กุสุมา จันทร์ประเสริฐ
เจริญชัย โขมพัตราภรณ์
พจมาน เตียวัฒนรัฐติกาล



This research studied reduction of the Hour per Unit (HPU) which was related to the production cost in a Head Stack Assembly (HSA) process in hard disk drive manufacturing. The 2008-2009 data exhibited an increasing trend of HPU value. A tree diagram technique was utilized to identify 4 tactics to reduce the HPU value. Each tactic was then evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively to identify the most suitable one to reduce HPU. The quantitative evaluation measured investment per percentage HPU reduction. The qualitative evaluation was performed using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique under 3 criteria: quality, ability to decrease HPU, and ease of adaptation to the production line. These criteria could also be adopted to new products in the future. From both the quantitative and qualitative evaluation,it was founded that reassignment of workers to workstations together line balancing were most effective tactics.After the two tactics were implemented, the results showed that the HPU decreased 12.98%, surpassed the 12% goal, or equivalent to production cost reduction of 8.58% per unit.

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Research Articles