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พิทยา ห้องใส
ประเสริฐ อัครประถมพงศ์


The objectives of this research are to reduce loss in production line of knockdown furniture factory and to increase productivity by applying work improvement in 5 product models. Causes loss in production line, it was found that non-value added working procedures, unbalanced production lines, and defects were the main causes of the loss.  Work study, analysis by 5W1H, and Why-Why analysis were used to analyze and then ECRS technique and production line balancing were used for work improvement. After improvements, non-value added activities decreased in average from 36.78%  to 20.64%.  Balance delay decreased in average from 23.46% to 9.04% and defect rate decreased in average from 5.08% to 3.71%. As a result, the productivity drawer (2PLC) increased 67.86%, the productivity cabinet (3HL) increased 68.42%, the productivity beverage counter (3CD) increased 63.04%, the productivity food counter (CF90) increased 64.44% and the productivity shelf (37A) increased 62.79%.

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