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Salinity intrusion is a natural phenomenon that occurs in channels, and its patterns vary depending on areas and landscape. This paper aims to study the salinity intrusion distribution patterns of the vicinity of Bangpakong estuary in different seasons by using field investigation and corrected the secondary field data in order to explain the characteristic pattern of saltwater intrusion of Bangpakong River. The results of this study could provide crucial information for gaining a better understanding of the hydrodynamics and salinity intrusion in the Bangpakong estuary area, as well as developing a solution to the salinity intrusion that includes water management. According to the research results, the Bangpakong River is a coastal plain estuary or a drowned river valley. Because of the influences of the quantity of fresh water and brine in the river, the salinity intrusion process of distribution with the seasons. In June 2010, the salinity intrusion distribution patterns corresponded to the theory, such as the negative estuaries or inverse estuaries and well-mixed estuaries in the Bangpakong estuary.
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