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Phongthon Saengchut
Prapat Pentamwa
Sudjit Karuchit


Haloacetic acids (HAAs) is a substance in the group of acids having the potential to cause cancer The acid is found in the process of water disinfection The purpose of this study are 1) to remove natural organic matters (NOMs) which is the initial substance           of HAAs from the coagulation-flocculation process. In the process, PACl with the concentration of 30 mg/L mixed with cationic polymer with the concentration of 0.5 mg/L. could remove NOMS which were 96.84% turbidity and 64.42% dissolved organic carbon (DOC), 2) to remove HAAs by using Coconut shell activated carbon (GAC) to absorb. When chlorine substance with the concentration of 0.5 mg/L was added in the water in the process of coagulation-flocculation, HAA5, was 24.35 µg/L.                      The adsorption reaction of HAA5 and GAC was monolayer together with the chemical adsorption. And specific of surface area. The capacity of the adsorption yielded the highest value which was 44.05 µg/g. When HAA5 was removed by the column test, 100% HAAs was removed. The slow rate of the flow and the height of GAC which increased resulted in high removal ability. The ability of the adsorption was 68.38 µg/g.

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