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Chocktawee Suriyawattanasin
Thanansak Theppaya
Warakorn Suwanruengsri
Ukrit Ramchaunchorn


Currently, thermoelectric has been increasingly applied to various cooling equipment. It is commonly used in a small-size refrigeration system or in portable cooler box for cold storage. This research studied power supplies to thermoelectric affecting the cooling performance (COP) in a 17.5 L cooler box without cooling load. In experiment, electric power ranging from 19.3-74.1W was supplied to TEC1-12715 modules while airflow inside cooler box was kept at 32 cfm. A 90 L/h cooling water was circulated through a water block, attached on hot side of thermoelectric, and removed heat via radiator. The results showed that maximum COP was 0.53 occurred at cooling rate (qc) of 8.2 W and input power of 19.3 W. A maximum cooling rate of 18.7 W was achieved at 74.1 W input power, and consequently 0.32 COP. It can be seen that the maximum power input to the thermoelectric was not resulted in the maximum qc and COP concurrently. If optimum cooling rate was required, the thermoelectric modules must be powered in the range of 43.3-58.8 W to keep the lowest temperature in the cooling box by 2.0 ± 0.5 °C.

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