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Eutrophication is an environmental problem from nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients enrichment in water resources since it results in a deterioration of water quality. The major cause is the anthropogenic activities. This research aimed to study the ability of tea residue for the nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients adsorption in the aqueous solution. The study investigated the experiment of adsorption under various conditions including the concentration of orthophosphate and ammonium, pH, quantity of adsorbent and the appropriate contact time. The results showed the optimum conditions for orthophosphate and ammonium adsorption at concentrations 20 mg/L, pH 9 and 60 minutes of contact times which were used 1 gram of each 3 types of adsorbents (tea residue, tea residue charcoal, and granular tea residue charcoal). The kinetics modeling of all adsorption of tea adsorption dynamic was well described by Pseudo-second order model. The orthophosphate and ammonium adsorption isotherm of tea residue and tea residue charcoal were consistent with the Freundlich isotherm and granular tea residue charcoal was consistent with Langmuir isotherm. Moreover, the 3 types of adsorbents promoted the high removal performance of orthophosphate and ammonium in domestic wastewater and swine farm wastewater.
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The published articles are copyright of the Engineering Journal of Research and Development, The Engineering Institute of Thailand Under H.M. The King's Patronage (EIT).
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