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The purpose of this article is presenting the findings from a study of factors influencing cycling behaviors in daily life of travelers in Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC)’s urban areas, Chonburi, Sriracha and Banglamung (Pattaya City) district. The focused groups were classified by travelers’ trip purposes, work trip (WT) and non-work trip (NWT), to revealed the factors influencing cycling behaviors. The Model of Goal-Directed Behavior (MGB) was used as theoretical framework for questionnaire design and defining relation’s structure of relevant factors in hypothetically model. The 750 numbers of samples were selected by accidental random sampling technique for completing the questionnaire survey. After data reduction process, 597 data sets were analysed by structural equation modeling to explain the effects between all factors in the models. For non-rational behavioral process, the results show significant impacts for the relation of past cycling behavior and experiences and trying to bicycling in both WT and NWT models (0.38 and 0.69 respectively, 0.01 level of significant). In contrast, for rational behavioral process, without significant impacts from independent variables to trying to bicycling for both groups. For the conclusions, the results suggest that non-work trip travelers are more possible to be bicyclists in daily life than work trip travelers with applying rational behavioral process.
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The published articles are copyright of the Engineering Journal of Research and Development, The Engineering Institute of Thailand Under H.M. The King's Patronage (EIT).
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