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The visual inspection of small particles is still used in some uncomplicated work nowadays. However, human error can still occur in detecting particles in clear, colorless liquids in packaging such as saline in soft bags. The objective of the study was to increase visual inspection capabilities and to improve the working stations for reducing human error in particle detection of saline in soft bag. In the first step of the research, 25 to 30-year female operators who had normal eyesight would perform the inspection of the saline in transparency soft bags in 16 working station conditions at eye height sitting position. The independent variables were the inspection postures, detecting time, rest time, and brightness. The results showed that the factors which affect detection error were posture and rest time. Moreover, the improved working station was the fixed posture with using a hook that had a better result than the freestyle posture and the suitable rest time was 2 minutes for everyone working hour. After improvement, the value of repeatability and attribute tended to increase. For detection error, it was decreased from 5-8% to 0-3% in the ≥2 years’ experienced group and from 13-18% to 5% in <2 years’ experienced group. In one year after improvement, the complaints from customers about particles decreased from 45% to 5%.
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