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The advancement of artificial intelligence systems in monitoring the movements of any object using current closed-circuit cameras in conjunction with geospatial information technology is an intriguing and essential topic in surveying engineering. It can be used to manage property and health security, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused significant injury to humanity. The concept of "social distancing" refers to maintaining a distance of more than 2 meters between individuals as a prevention method. Disease surveillance necessitates, therefore, the precise identification of the location of individuals in various locations. This research seeks to incorporate closed-circuit television cameras with geospatial information technology within structures, using artificial intelligence systems to monitor and identify movements and locations. This integration's primary function is coordinate transformation. Based on the preceding, this research aims to convert coordinates using an affine transformation equation and an artificial intelligence system to track individuals' movements for positioning within the indoor coordinate system. The research analyzed the interconnection of multiple cameras. It demonstrated the position of individuals derived by applying artificial intelligence systems for motion tracking and converting coordinates using a joint equation system. The accuracy of position identification was attained within a tolerance of 0.5 meters, which is an acceptable error level because it is smaller than the average diameter of a person. Even though the current COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the enforcement of physical separation, the study's results indicated that if another disease outbreak necessitating similar separation measures occurs in the future, the findings of this research can be applied immediately.
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The published articles are copyright of the Engineering Journal of Research and Development, The Engineering Institute of Thailand Under H.M. The King's Patronage (EIT).
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