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One of the essential components of the economies of all countries worldwide is the construction industry. Especially developing countries. This is due to the fact that this industry involves relatively high investments. Therefore, it has a significant impact on the country's economy. The construction sector can contribute approximately 15-20% of the gross domestic product. The productivity in construction often reflects labor productivity because it depends on labor and uses a lot of labor. Global construction productivity has declined over the past five decades. As in the past 10 years, Thailand's labor productivity has shown a downward trend. Therefore, having a highly productive workforce at each stage of a construction project will play a key role in project success. This research, therefore, aims to find factors affecting the decline in labor productivity in the construction industry. By collecting data from 336 construction workers and analyzing the relative importance weight (RIW), the results found that the factor that first affects the decline in labor productivity is "rain" with a weight value RIW 58.87 percent, next in line with "Electricity/water supply interruptions", "Construction sites are noisy/too much dust or trash", "Working at heights" and "Frequent rework due to document, drawing or specification errors". which have RIW values of 51.67, 49.05, 46.96, and 46.25 percent, respectively.
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