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The Lam Takhong River Basin is the upstream area of the Mun River Basin, a significant and economically vital region in Nakhon Ratchasima province. The economic activities in the Lam Takhong River Basin contribute to its importance, and it is an area prone to drought issues annually. However, government agencies in the area lack information on specific locations affected by drought, the months of water scarcity, the quantity of water deficits, and the water demand for agriculture and consumptive uses. This crucial data is currently insufficiently collected and analyzed. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze areas at risk of drought on a sub-district and monthly basis by establishing a water account and assessing drought conditions using the WEAP model for areas outside the irrigation command area in the Lam Takhong River Basin. The study findings reveal that, for the overall water account in the Lam Takhong River Basin, the percentage of water used compared to the rainfall amount ranges from 46.02% for Case 1 to 60.09% for Case 5. Despite this, the water demand is relatively low compared to the rainfall input into the basin. The outflow from the basin in Case 1 to Case 5 is estimated at 2,887.39 , 2,699.18 , 2,510.97 , 2,322.76 and 2,134.55 million cubic meters, respectively. Additionally, the WEAP model indicates 19 sub-districts, 21 sub-districts, 22 sub-districts, 24 sub-districts, and 26 sub-districts meeting the criteria for drought-prone areas for Case 1 to Case 5, respectively.
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The published articles are copyright of the Engineering Journal of Research and Development, The Engineering Institute of Thailand Under H.M. The King's Patronage (EIT).
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