The Study of Thematic Analysis: Case Study of Australia and Thailand 2013
thematic analysisบทคัดย่อ
Thematic analysis is receiving increased attention from academic researchers and public policy-makers. Thematic analysis allows leaders to delve into frameworks which define the motivations of their customers. The objective of these studies is to develop greater appreciation of the motivating factors in decision - making processes. Organizations benefit from an understanding of what factors motivate and deter customers from participation in or consumption of their products/services. This article compares Thai and Australian studies which employ thematic analysis as a means of charting organizational decision making. In the Australian study, the link between participation in the arts with the health of individuals is examined. In the Thai study, corporate taxation, free trade, and transnational corporate economic impacts on sustainability are the focus. The commonality with the two studies is the potential for how producers and consumers might both be educated to have greater appreciation of the impacts of their choices. Employing frameworks of thematic qualitative analysis enhances organizational understanding of consumerism, and helps steer educators toward teaching approaches which can improve classroom performance. Consumers as well as students will provide clues as to successful motivating factors. This then sets up a learning loop which trends toward constant quality improvement.
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