Tracking Vehicles in the Presence of Occlusions

doi: 10.14456/mijet.2018.10


  • John Morris KMITL
  • Channa Meng Inet-logistics
  • Nattawoot Suwannata Mahasarakham University, Thailand


Vehicle tracking, occlusions, traffic violations, red lights


Thailand loses about 25,000 people every year to road trauma: this motivated this study, which designed and evaluated a simple system to discourage ‘Red Light Running’ – failure to observe red traffic lights.  Our system is simple, cheap and flexible – consisting of a single camera, a portable computer and the ability to send images to a mobile phone using the public network.  However, to be flexible, cameras were set only 1-2m about the road, which caused many occlusions to be observed – the major challenge for the system software.  A rule-based system was used to resolve most occlusions. In our tests, vehicles were completely and correctly tracked in 83% of frames. This was sufficient to allow images of 95% of Red Light Runners to be transmitted to a monitoring station and potentially stopped.Thailand loses about 25,000 people every year to road trauma: this motivated this study, which designed and evaluated a simple system to discourage ‘Red Light Running’ – failure to observe red traffic lights.  Our system is simple, cheap and flexible – consisting of a single camera, a portable computer and the ability to send images to a mobile phone using the public network.  However, to be flexible, cameras were set only 1-2m about the road, which caused many occlusions to be observed – the major challenge for the system software.  A rule-based system was used to resolve most occlusions. In our tests, vehicles were completely and correctly tracked in 83% of frames. This was sufficient to allow images of 95% of Red Light Runners to be transmitted to a monitoring station and potentially stopped.

Author Biographies

Channa Meng, Inet-logistics

Channa Meng was born in Cambodia in 1991.  She graduated with a B.A. from Mahasarakham University in 2013 and expects to complete an ME from the same university in 2018.  She currently works as a software engineer with Inet-logistics in Khon Kaen.

Nattawoot Suwannata, Mahasarakham University, Thailand

Faculty of Engineering, Mahasarakham University, Maha Sarakham, Thailand


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How to Cite

Morris, J., Meng, C., & Suwannata, N. . (2018). Tracking Vehicles in the Presence of Occlusions: doi: 10.14456/mijet.2018.10. Engineering Access, 4(2), 56–67. Retrieved from



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