Simulation of Temperature Distribution in Biochar Kiln with Different Feedstock Types
doi: 10.14456/mijet.2019.9
Biochar, Feedstock, Pyrolysis, Simulation, Thermal characteristicsAbstract
Biochar has been used as a soil fertility improvement. It is a stable carbon-rich solid product obtained from the thermal pyrolysis of organic matter. This work aimed at evaluating the temperature distribution in biochar kiln characterized by the pyrolysis feedstocks. The biochar yield was used to identify the potential of the pyrolysis feedstocks for biochar production. The different pyrolysis feedstock types (i.e., corncob, rice husk, and dry longan leaf) were investigated in this study. The biochar kiln with a dimension of 500 mm × 380 mm (height × diameter) consisting of the core with diameter of 115 mm and puncture diameter of 6.35 mm was developed. The computer simulation was applied and the simulation results were compared with the experimental results in order to validate the model. The simulation results illustrated that the highest temperature was found at the core and transversely decreased in radial direction to the kiln wall. The temperature averagely over the radial and longitudinal positions inside the kiln was found to be equal to 293.3 ± 176.7 °C, 363.4 ± 270.9 °C, and 369.6 ± 277.1 °C and biochar yield was found to be equal to 15.7 wt.%, 24.3 wt.%, and 11.4 wt.% for corncob, rice husk, and dry longan leaf, respectively. These findings indicated that the kiln parameters could be properly developed to satisfy the feedstock types since their temperature distribution could affect the biochar yield.
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