Cissus quadrangularis dryer

doi: 10.14456/mijet.2020.10


  • Supachoke Saengswarng King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok Prachinburi Campus
  • Choocheep Kheawubon King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok Prachinburi Campus


cissus quadrangularis, cissus quadrangularis dryer, infrared dryer, herb dryer, dryer


Cissus quadrangularis is a herb of Thailand. It used for many ailments, especially for the treatment of hemorrhoid. This article proposes the designing and construction of the cissus quadrangularis dryer for herbal medicines production. The dryer consists of 4 parts: drying cabinet, infrared heater, motor and blower. In the drying cabinet contains 4 paddles stirrer to stir the herbs for the good heat transfer and ventilation. The suitable drying condition was found by drying at different drying temperature (60°C , 75°C and 90°C) with varying 3 different round speed of paddles stirrer (15 rpm, 25 rpm and 35 rpm). The testing result showed that the suitable drying condition of this dryer occurred in 25 rpm of  the paddles stirrer round speed and 90 ˚C of drying temperature which provided the best product’s quality comparing for color, productivity and energy consumption of product.

Author Biographies

Supachoke Saengswarng, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok Prachinburi Campus

Department of Agricultural Engineering for Industry Faculty of Industrial Technology and Management King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok Prachinburi Campus, 129 Moo 21 Tambon Noenhom, Amphur Muang, Prachinburi, 25230

Corresponding Author:, +66 3721 7300, Fax. +66 3721 7317

Choocheep Kheawubon, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok Prachinburi Campus

Department of Agricultural Engineering for Industry Faculty of Industrial Technology and Management King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok Prachinburi Campus, 129 Moo 21 Tambon Noenhom, Amphur Muang, Prachinburi, 25230

*Corresponding Author:, +66 3721 7300, Fax. +66 3721 7317


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How to Cite

Saengswarng, S., & Kheawubon, C. (2020). Cissus quadrangularis dryer: doi: 10.14456/mijet.2020.10. Engineering Access, 6(1), 44–47. retrieved from



Research Papers