Process Optimisation Regarding Overall Equipment Effectiveness of Tyre Manufacturing using Response Surface Methodology and Grey Relational Analysis
doi: 10.14456/mijet.2021.17
Benchmarking, optimisation, tyre manufacturing, response surfaceAbstract
This paper presents a response surface methodology optimisation approach using the central composite design and the grey relational analysis to optimise the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) for the tyre manufacturing process. In this paper, a parametric analysis based on availability, performance rate and the quality rate is conducted for a tyre manufacturing process using experimental data obtained from the literature. The outcome of the study supports the optimisation of OEE using the methods and establishes that they are effective. This may serve as a beneficial reference for the periodic operation of the tyre plant and could be effectively applied to detect variance of the OEE component factors during actual operation by referring to the predictions. This paper could be valuable for tyre manufacturing professionals engaged in the production of tyres in the development process. The work helps tyre manufacturers to improve on their substantial weakness in operations and engineering management.
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